Dr. Sascha Turczyk

I am very grateful for the opportunity to have Alex as my coach. While working with him, the ultimate goal is to improve the quality of my life. Before we started working together there was a feeling that I could not handle all my stuff and it started to overwhelm my brain and therefore blocking it in a way. It felt like it’s getting worse in every aspect. Alex helped me to realize how to draw my personal line, set realistic goals and organize my work life. I am especially more able to draw the line and do not carry the loads a full day. This increased my productivity as well as my creativity came back again. In consequence that also improved my private life, which is really an important step. I am way more relaxed and this relaxing mental state also helps to deal with sudden and unexpected things more comfortably. I am looking forward to continue my road with Alex and I am especially grateful that I now enjoy even more the time with my family

Aditya sharma

After working with Alex, I was amazed by my transformation and how I was able to manage my time, my stress/anxiety levels, and have a routine which I was never able to do in my life before. Alex helped me at a time in my life when nothing seemed to have been working for me. I was going through difficult times, both personally and professionally, and was recently diagnosed with ADHD and had lost motivation in life. Poker, and life in general, has a new meaning for me now, and I am able to see considerable improvements in both my winrate and the quality of my life.

Rob Madden

As a performance coach myself, I have worked with athletes and high performers for over 15 years in the remit of physical health optimisation and recovery. In 2024, I decided it was time to get on top of some mental barriers I had with my own performance and life. I reached out to Alex to help me with my day to day stresses, my temper and how this affects my life, poker and parenting. The improvement has been phenomenal. I have made great progress in all aspects of my life. I will continue to work with Alex on mindset as this is a lifelong journey, never to be conquered!

Anthony Bellino

Playing high stakes poker for 17 years I always seemed to go through the same patterns of self sabotage. I knew my life problems always found their way to the poker table but never knew how to fix it. Working with Alex has taught me not only why these emotions followed me to the table, but how to work through them using hypnotherapy. His help has made me more mindful of my decisions on and off the table and taken me off of the autopilot mode which hindered my results for so long.

Brian Fuchs

I started working with Alex at a turning point in my life after a divorce. Alex helped me to uncover my potential and also approach both poker and life from a much healthier perspective. I’m still a work in progress but I know I would not be able to be where I am today without Alex. I’m now a huge believer in hypnosis. Alex has helped me uncover childhood memories and experiences that help me understand where I was having blocks in poker. The benefit of all of this is that it also helps with more than just poker but off the table in life as well. I would recommend Alex to any poker player who wants to increase their performance and improve their mindset.

Benjamin Harris

Before I was recommended to Alex, I was struggling severely with; tilt, mistake tilt, and performance anxiety. When I would have losing sessions or make mistakes my emotions would be out of control. My self-talk was the biggest issue, and it was vicious. During my first session with Alex, I learned he wasn't just a hypnotherapist. He also has a ton of wisdom on the performance side of poker as well. Alex is basically a hybrid hypnotherapist and performance coach. After working with Alex over several sessions, I started to see breakthroughs in my behavior and emotions. The emotional control advanced to a degree that I haven't had any major issues in the past few months. I've been able to put in impressive A-game volume recently. I feel as if I am no longer being held down by emotional chains. When I think back on how I used to act, I laugh out loud sometimes. Beyond question, an incredible outcome.

Tim Cerkvenik

Im a professional poker player for 11 years now. Decided to get Alex’s help because of the stress from real life affected me on the tables and vice versa. In the first session I mentioned a couple of things that were bugging me and Alex asked me: “if i had a magic wand, which one of those things would you pick first to get rid of or get better?” I said the heart racing, that comes in stressful situations on and off the poker tables. I can say with confidence that I manage stress much, much better after just a few sessions. Going back in time and facing those moments of fear gives you a different perspective now as an adult. I would advise anyone to at least have one or two sessions with hypnotherapy for any kind of triggers/trauma/fears they have.

Guglielmo Raimondo

Professional Poker Player

I was going through an extended period in my career where I wasn't achieving the results my technical abilities should have allowed me to, and I also felt like I couldn't fully tap into my potential. Working with Alex helped me rapidly gain a high level of self-awareness and change aspects of my character that had always held me back in the past. The speed of the changes I had to confront is astonishing, and it's a testament to the effectiveness of his work.

Joel Blades

Working with Alex has changed my perspective of things immensely, not just on the poker table but in my life. Overall, now I am much happier day to day no matter how the day at the tables has went. I am able to view the game through a long-term lens and am much more at peace when I have a losing day. The other major change has been lifestyle habits, things I never thought mattered at the tables. Things like exercising daily, meditation, having a good pre-session/post session routine. These things have all made a huge difference for me at the tables. Before working with Alex, I would find myself mentally and physically tired during long MTT sessions, now I sit and play comfortably with much higher focus. The quality of my play has gone up exponentially. I look forward to the future and continuing to work with Alex on other areas.

Aki Braunschweiler

I started working with Alex a year ago to help me with my transition from a normal 9 to 5 job to a full-time poker professional. During this year, Alex has helped me with many issues such as building my daily schedule and instilling new habits to improve my focus during poker sessions, cooling down after sessions and also habits to help me sleep better. With hypnotherapy, Alex has also helped me with some more complex problems like entitlement tilt and loss of confidence during downswings. Now, my poker career is in full throttle and it’s safe to say that I wouldn’t have gotten this far this quickly without Alex’s help. I can wholeheartedly recommend Alex to anyone looking to work on their mental game and mindset issues.

Benjamin V

I started seeing Alex back in March due to serious mental game issues. My sense of self worth and happiness was reliant primarily on what happened at the poker table. In addition to this I was shot taking higher stakes and it was completely destroying me mentally because of the negative results I was getting.


Three massive things Alex did completely have completely changed my relationship with poker and fundamentally how I live my life. For starters, I was not meditating prior to meeting with Alex - the results have been astonishing and seem to only climb as time goes on. I am able to move past feelings of anxiety and negativity. Secondly, the hypnotherapy he gave me has had long lasting effects on my subconscious mind. The effect of the hypnotherapy sessions is indescribable - with each session I could feel immediate effects and could feel the fundamental change in how I viewed the world. Lastly, per Alex’s recommendation I got additional hobbies. Poker is no longer the most important thing in the world to me, like it was when I started with Alex. While I still enjoy poker, it’s my job and it does not dominate my life; I have since gotten into writing, wrote a feature length screenplay, and plan to shoot my first film this summer. I can’t say I would be doing this if it weren’t for my work with Alex. I cannot thank Alex enough.

Jascha Bonacic

I started working with Alex a few months ago and he has helped me a lot since. He helped me a lot working on my tilt issues which had a positive impact on my game. We also worked a lot on the structure around the game. He helped me to schedule my time better and make me more effective. I also developed some new habits which are helping me to perform at my best level such as meditation, workout more regularly, improving my nutrition and some more. It was one of my best decisions to start working with Alex and I just recommend him to everyone who wants to improve their life and wants to get more professional.

Niklas Shwarzmann

I first started working together with Alex at the beginning of this year and my life has drastically changed for the better since then. Orginially I reached out to him because I felt stuck and hopeless in certain areas of my life, mainly work and relationship related.
Soon Alex was able to figure out how work on the things that have been bothering me and he was also always there if I needed his advice outside of our sessions, which I really appreciated. The hypnosis part of our sessions was a real game changer for me and helped me to understand myself and my subconscious so much better.
I would highly recommend Alex to anyone who's looking to work on themselves and hopefully live a more purposeful life.

Curtis Knight

Professional NLL Lacrosse Player

Alex has been instrumental in helping me identify key experiences from my past that are holding me back today. As a professional lacrosse player, it's important to remain in shape both physically and mentally. Alex has really helped me on the mental side and allowed me to focus on performing at my best. I highly recommend Alex to anyone who's looking to gain a mental edge or who would just like to work on improving their mindset in any area.

Jeremy Chan

I first came to Alex with the common mental game problems a poker player would have. We worked on one problem, which is tilt for the first 2 sessions. We did some hypnosis and I thought it was amazing what the mind could do. It almost immediately solved the problem. I also have tried meditating before but did not last more than a week because I tried to increase gradually to 20 minutes of meditation by the end of the week. Alex wanted me to try it again and reminds me every baby step counts for progression. It’s all about the long journey. I’m proud to say after 1 month of work, I can meditate 7 minutes and will hopefully increase the length of time for meditation. This has improved the quality of my life and you won’t believe the power of the mind until you’ve experienced it yourself. Alex is the right person for the job if you ever require any improvement in life.

Philipp W

Business Owner

I started working with Alex at the end of 2021 after a friend recommended his mindset coachings to me. While I had some experience in mediation before I have never tried hypnosis itself. So being a little bit sceptical but also very curious I just gave it a shot. Today I am really glad I did 😊 Working in a pretty busy part time job while trying to build my own business can be challenging at times. Being a very restless and stressed mind I contantly put pressure on myself, which eventually stops me from being able to relax. By getting into hypnosis I learned that I developed those habits in my subconcious mind way earlier in my life. Taking regular hypnosis sessions with Alex allowed me to develop a more healthier state of mind by putting things into perspective, while at the same time finding a whole new level of balance in order to be at peace with myself. Of course this journey is far from over for me because I just got started. Therefore, I really appreciate having Alex as a coach on my side.

    What personal income bracket do you currently fall into?
    Which of these barriers, if any, do you feel are holding you back from reaching your full potential?